Protest isn't a gift from the State – it's our right. Sign the petition to protect it. 

No matter where we live, our backgrounds, or who we vote for, we all want people in power to listen to our concerns and work to build a brighter future for us and our loved ones.  

But in recent years the Government has clamped down on the ways we can speak up on important issues, giving the police dangerously broad powers to crack down on protests and arrest demonstrators.

History shows when we join together and make ourselves heard, bit by bit we change things for the better.

Sign the petition to scrap these laws designed to silence us, protect the powerful and prevent meaningful change.



We call on the Home Secretary to scrap the anti-protest measures in the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Act 2022 and the Public Order Act 2023, as well as the new measures proposed in the Criminal Justice Bill.

The UK has a long and proud history of protests that have driven positive change in society.

But the new offences and police powers in these Acts are already criminalising and threatening people who take to the streets for a cause they believe in – from racial justice campaigners, to environmental activists to grieving families calling for answers and justice.

The only people who benefit from silencing dissent are those in positions of power, who don’t want to be challenged or held to account.

Everyone has the right to protest. These authoritarian anti-protest laws must be scrapped.