Tell the Prime Minister - this hateful new Illegal Migration Act is not in our name. This open letter was coordinated by the Joint Council for Welfare of Immigrants, and is supported by Liberty.

Sign the open letter


We write united in our grief, outrage, and shame at the new migration law being passed, allegedly in our name. Your new law is a cruel and inhumane attack on people who are seeking safety on our shores, and who will now be turned away in their hour of need.

We all deserve to live safely, and to be supported and protected, whether we are forced to move because our home is no longer safe, or simply for a better life. This compassion is at the heart of our moral duty as a society, as well as our commitment to international law. 

People move – we always have, and we always will. Community and solidarity are values that bind us all together. We stand in solidarity with everyone targeted by this cruel and immoral legislation. We condemn this Government’s ongoing attacks on migrants and refuse to be complicit in the human rights violations that will result from it. We urge you to abandon this cruel project, and instead protect the rights of people seeking safety.

We reject this Act, and say loudly and clearly - this hateful new law is not in our name.

Your sincerely,