Sign up to take part in our Week of Action to #SaveYourRights!

Whether it’s meeting your MP, writing to your local paper or bringing residents of your constituency together, you can take action now to stop the Government's Rights Removal Bill and #SaveYourRights.

The Government is pressing ahead with its Rights Removal Bill – a toxic scheme to rip up our Human Rights Act and make it harder for all of us to get justice.

The Bill aims to create categories of people deserving and undeserving of rights, stop many human rights related legal cases from getting off the ground, and even deny many migrants fighting deportation their Article 8 rights – the right to a family life.

But we’re fighting back. 110,000 people have signed our petition demanding that Justice Secretary Dominic Raab ditch the disgraceful plan. A broad coalition is coming together to say hands off our human rights!

From 5 September, we will be holding a Week of Action to #SaveYourRights and we need you to get involved. We will show MPs all across the UK the strength and depth of opposition to the Rights Removal Bill – until they are forced to drop it altogether.

This is Liberty’s biggest fight in modern times – a fight for our most fundamental rights. Together we played a leading role in bringing the Human Rights Act into existence 25 years ago, and we cannot sit back while this government destroys it.

We need your help. We need Liberty members and supporters to pledge your support for our campaign by taking action. Whether it’s meeting your MP, writing them a handwritten letter, writing to your local paper or bringing residents of your constituency together – you can help increase pressure on MPs to drop the Bill.

Sign up to help defeat the Rights Removal Bill.

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